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如果你 are in immediate danger, call 911.

You can make a report at any time, 然而, you are encouraged to make a report 尽快 after an incident. 你不应该因为几周、几个月甚至几年后的报告而气馁. 

For your medical well-being we highly encourage you to seek 就医 尽快.

The following reporting options are 不保密的.

向St报告. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城




Vice President 为 Equity 和 Inclusion & 第九条协调员
机构公平办事处 & Access, AS 121
(320) 308-5123



You have the right to file a report with the Police as well as the University. Contacting law en为cement does not require you to pursue legal action.

  • St. Cloud Police Department (320) 345-4444 or 911

  • 校园公共安全 (320) 308-3333
    Public safety officers are not police, 然而,他们可以向学校报告,并帮助你联系警察.


Deciding to report 和 confidential support


下面列出的资源都可以通过倾听和提供帮助来保护你的隐私,而不必向执法部门或大学官员报告. 如果你 are uncertain about what will happen 和 whether you want to report, contact any one of these resources.

Other university employees are able 和 willing to assist you, or another person who has been victimized, 然而, they are required to report such in为mation to university officials. They cannot keep your in为mation confidential, 然而 there are limitations to who this in为mation is shared with.

父母 和 families are not in为med unless you tell them or sign a release. 联邦法律确实允许在你或其他人的健康或安全受到重大威胁时通知父母. 你是否是投诉人, 证人证人或被告, the university's relationship is to the student 和 not a parent.




What happens when you report on campus


保密 resources can assist with underst和ing your reporting options, see "Deciding to report 和 confidential support" above.


如果你 在线报道, your in为mation will be sent to Judith Siminoe, St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城’s Interim 第九条 协调员. 她的办公室会联系你 schedule an initial inquiry meeting to review the allegations, discuss the 第九条 complaint process 提供资源. If it is determined that the allegations rise to the level of an investigation, 将指派一名调查员 to begin investigating.

If the assault, harassment or stalking was done by a St. 云州 student or employee, St. 云州的第九条 协调员 can provide assistance to help you complete your coursework safely. If the assault, harassment or stalking was not done by a St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 student or employee St. 云州的第九条 协调员 我仍然可以帮助你, 妇女中心的工作人员也可以, in communicating your needs to other faculty 和 staff on campus.

Office of Institutional Equity 和 Access/第九条 Officer

如果你 report directly to the Office Institutional Equity 和 Access, the Vice President 为 Equity 和 Inclusion & 第九条协调员将与您会面,确定是否需要进行全面调查,并确保您了解您可用的其他资源. 一次 a complaint is received by any employee, the University has an obligation to conduct an inquiry into the allegations. 如果确定指控上升到违反学生社区标准守则的程度, 将指派一名调查员 和 the investigation will commence.

第九条的行为 协调员 和其他参与第九条工作的工作人员受明尼苏达州校董会政策和程序的管理: 1B.1.11B.3.1.


如果你向圣. 云州公共安全办公室他们会协助你联系圣. Cloud Police Department to make a complaint to local law en为cement.

如果你向圣. 云警察部门,他们将接受您的投诉,并确定是否有必要进行执法调查. 大学和当地执法部门都可以调查同一投诉,尽管他们不能总是彼此共享信息.


如果你提出正式投诉,被指控的学生有权知道投诉人/受害者的身份. 有关涉嫌歧视或不当性行为的投诉将通过MnSCU 1B进行调查.3 .不涉及原告和被告必须面对面的听证会的政策. 虽然没有听证会,但在采取不利行动之前,将遵循公平程序.


What happens when you report to law en为cement

Process of reporting to law en为cement

After you have contacted law en为cement, 一名警官将与你讨论刑事调查的各个方面. 如果你选择继续, 警官需要做一份正式的口供来记录犯罪的细节. 你可以要求你的律师在你做陈述的时候和你在一起.

The officers are not there to judge you. 他们在那里是为了获取有关犯罪的信息:发生的日期和时间, 位置, 嫌疑人描述, 等. You will also be asked about your activities be为e 和 after the incident. 他们还将询问所发生事件的具体细节,以确定可能被指控的罪行.

您提供的信息是法律程序的基础,必须准确无误. 你有权阅读执法人员填写在表格上的所有内容,并要求他们纠正任何错误信息. 一旦你的报告写好了, 你可以打电话给执法部门的记录部门索取一份副本. This only applies to the in为mation which you have provided; you cannot see in为mation or testimony someone else has given. Be certain to get the names, badge numbers, 和 telephone numbers of officers.

在任何执法或司法程序中,您所作的每一项陈述都必须是真实的. 不准确或不正确的信息可能导致执法人员遵循错误的线索. 如果你对某件事不确定或者不记得了,可以这样说. 如果你 do not know something exactly, describe it as accurately as possible. 如果你后来记得一些你可能没有告诉执法人员的事情, 把信息告诉他们. 也, if you remember details a little differently later on; make sure to clarify this with law en为cement.  创伤后,经过几晚的睡眠,记忆变得更加清晰,这并不罕见.

After you report to law en为cement

你对执法部门的陈述是调查的第一步. 例如, 办案人员可以约谈犯罪嫌疑人和其他可能的证人,并在现场收集证据.  When law en为cement completes an investigation, the case is sent to the city or county attorney’s office, depending on the level of the charge. 律师将决定是否有足够的证据来起诉和起诉这个案件.

If the attorney decides to charge the case, 在审判之前,被告必须出庭几次, but in most cases the victim will not be required to attend. You can choose to go 和 watch the proceedings in open court. You can also ask your advocate to attend. 如果案子进入审判阶段, 律师办公室的代表将与您联系,为您的审判做准备.

在法庭上,不会是你对. 强奸犯. 你的角色是证人. “明尼苏达州”起诉嫌疑人,因为根据明尼苏达州法规,嫌疑人被指控犯有犯罪行为.

Between the first appearance 和 the actual trial, many delays may occur. It may take many months be为e a case gets to a trial stage. 这并不罕见. Very few cases actually go to jury trial. In some cases defendants “plead” be为e a trial.

如果审判发生, 案件由法官或陪审团根据证人的证词和物证作出裁决. To be convicted the defendant must be found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.“因为已经做出了这样的决定,辩护律师有权向你提问. If the suspect is found guilty, a sentencing hearing will be scheduled. 社区矫正人员可能会与你联系,以便进行量刑前调查.  This is an open, public hearing you may want to attend. 

为了在法庭上感觉更舒服,更好地了解刑事诉讼程序, 您可能希望与市或县检察官的受害者/证人协调员或您的辩护律师联系.

Usual order of events in a criminal court proceeding

  • You file a criminal report with law en为cement.
  • Law en为cement investigates 和 then presents the case to the attorney.
  • 律师决定是否有足够的可采证据将案件提交陪审团.
  • If charged 和 if the suspect pleads not guilty, several hearings will be set which the suspect must attend. 你可以被传唤出席这些听证会,但通常你不需要去.
  • Trial (you are required to attend as a witness).
  • 无罪释放或判决.
  • If sentenced, a sentencing date will be set.

Filing a report on behalf of a victim

提出申诉的人不必是指称的歧视的受害者,但可以代表另一个人通过“向圣. 云状态”选项.